In case any of you are pondering the future of print books like us here in the library, I would like to share with you all the cover article from the November 26, 2007 issue of Newsweek.
The cover claims "Books Aren't Dead. (They're Just Going Digital.)" The article discussed how CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos is releasing his newest component of, the Amazon Kindle. The Amazon Kindle is an electronic device for reading e-books. The Kindle is light and about the size of a paperback book. Bezos believes that it will be the next "it" tech gadget.
Surely we are all moving towards a digital environment but our question is does the introduction of this new and improved e-book reader from a technically savvy company like hold the fate of the printed word in it's hands? Take a look around campus, as everyone walks by with i-Pod earbuds in, imagine everyone reading books on a little handheld screen. Can't picture it? We're having a hard time too, but check out the full article in Newsweek. Like Bezos says "it's so ambitious to take something as highly evolved as a the book and improve on it. And change the way people read." It's defintely Kindled our interest.
The cover claims "Books Aren't Dead. (They're Just Going Digital.)" The article discussed how CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos is releasing his newest component of, the Amazon Kindle. The Amazon Kindle is an electronic device for reading e-books. The Kindle is light and about the size of a paperback book. Bezos believes that it will be the next "it" tech gadget.
Surely we are all moving towards a digital environment but our question is does the introduction of this new and improved e-book reader from a technically savvy company like hold the fate of the printed word in it's hands? Take a look around campus, as everyone walks by with i-Pod earbuds in, imagine everyone reading books on a little handheld screen. Can't picture it? We're having a hard time too, but check out the full article in Newsweek. Like Bezos says "it's so ambitious to take something as highly evolved as a the book and improve on it. And change the way people read." It's defintely Kindled our interest.
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